We all are familiar with the renowned motto “Communication is the key to everything.” Whether it’s a personal or professional space, good and effective communication can do wonders. When we talk about communication, it covers every aspect of life. It is not just about talking to each other, but also more about sharing, expressing our feelings, ideas and emotions. Undoubtedly Effective Communication is crucial to success and happiness. Here are such 5 Golden Tips for Effective Communication that can open a door to a healthy life.
1) Assert yourself

Expressing and clear communication can boost your self-esteem. Here, to assert yourself means to express your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and needs openly and honestly (in a respectable manner). You do not have to be rude, aggressive, or demanding to others. The best way for Effective Communication is to assert yourself, learn to understand than winning an argument or forcing your opinions.
2) Non-Verbal Communication

Communication isn’t just the verbal exchange of information, non-verbal communication plays a very essential role. Non-verbal communication comprises of many things eye contact, how you position when you speak to people, behavior, reactions all of it matters. Pay attention to everything, every non-verbal signal, grab the positive, and let go of the negatives.
3) Listen

Remember it’s not just about you. Being a good listener is the most important part of communication. Listening is crucial to understand and connect with others. Do not be the one who talks without listening. Communication is about listening and talking, give and take, sharing, and caring genuinely. This is one of the best things one can learn and improve.
4) Be Free to ask Questions

Remember communication is not just about talking but also about understanding. And, it is very natural to get confused or lose track of something, be good and feel free to ask questions(respectably) when it is your turn. It also indicates that you are interested, paying attention, and want to understand them, it makes them feel good.
5) Relax

Relaxing and acting normally is one of the most effective communication strategies used by professionals. If it’s an important or stressful conversation being self-aware is a must. Relaxing your mind makes for smooth and easy communication.
Also read –5 Tips for a Sharper Brain
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