Brady Provides Insights into Narcissistic Abuse
After more than a year since parting ways with Jonah Hill. Sarah Brady Accuses Jonah Hill on social media to share her apparent reflections on dating the actor. She posted a black-and-white photo on Instagram. Accompanied by the caption, “reviving a pic I took down by request of a misogynist narcissist.”

Furthermore, Brady demonstrated her agreement with a comment from another user, which stated, “I just want to say… that the type of man Jonah is, some of us think we can ‘save’ them in the sense that we can show them how worthy of love they are and outdo all of the trauma and harm in their life that caused them to be so insecure.” By liking the comment, she seemingly confirmed that the mentioned “misogynist narcissist” referred to her actor ex.

In a series of Instagram posts, Brady shared videos featuring individuals discussing their encounters with narcissists, highlighting the “residual trauma” she continues to grapple with. She also posted screenshots of conversations where she engaged with people responding to her experiences. In one conversation, she disclosed, “I’ve kept so much to myself about my last relationship because he made me feel like I had to hide the intimate details of our relationship. Sometimes, he would get upset at me and vent to his family.”
In another screenshot, Brady revealed that she resorted to using Google’s search function to look up signs of narcissism because she started questioning whether she herself exhibited narcissistic traits. “It’s not uncommon for the partner of a narcissistic individual to mistakenly believe they are the narcissist,” she wrote.

According to Choosing Therapy, “Narcissistic abuse involves a gradual manipulation and mistreatment by a narcissist to establish control over others, creating a toxic environment filled with emotional, psychological, financial, sexual, or physical harm.”
In the messages reviewed by Complex, Brady does not directly accuse Hill of inflicting physical harm. However, the article further explains that narcissists exploit those around them through tactics such as gaslighting, sabotage, love-bombing, lying, and distorting situations to serve their own needs. Consequently, victims often endure long-lasting effects from the abuse they experience.
Conversations Hinting at Hill’s Involvement
Brady provided additional hints that suggested she was referencing Hill, including a screenshot where she shared, “I thought, because my ex is a celebrity, [dating a narcissist] would be a challenging situation to relate to.”

Moreover, Brady provided glimpses of her conversations with individuals that strongly suggest Hill as the subject of her discussions. One anecdote she shared involved offering emotional support to someone until “he got his new chick pregnant,”. Which potentially alludes to Hill’s child with Millar.
Brady also alleged that Hill accused her of exploiting him for his wealth and influence. Expressing disapproval over her Instagram posts featuring surfing photos in swimsuits. She attributed his reaction to a “distorted internal craving for male validation.”