Emiway Bantai is one of popular Underground rapper in the hiphop scene and has a great influence on his listeners and fans. Bantai has become a brand now with more than 10M subscribers on YouTube. He’s a great performer and rapper.

As the country is in a lockdown state, Bantai has been dropping music consistently for people on YouTube. Emiway’s last music video titled as ‘Khatam Karona’ was a banger brilliantly edited with a great message has won the hearts of many. The 3minute-long track crossed over 3.2M views within 24 hours.
Followed by it, Bantai recently dropped a new hit track title as ‘SUPERHIT’ that garnered around over 1.9M views within 9hours trending #7 on YouTube. It’s a dope track though sounds like Bantai has subliminally dissed on Kr$na and Raftaar. What do you really think? Let us know in the comment section.
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