Multi-Billionaire Elon Musk has stated that Neuralink, his own brain-interface technology company will probably start implanting its microchips in human beings as early as next year.
The news was shared by the tech mogul himself during a live-streamed interview with The Wall Street Journal CEO Council Summit on Monday. When asked about the plans for his company in 2022, Musk said that they are looking forward to human testing.

“Neuralink’s working well in monkeys and we’re actually doing just a lot of testing and just confirming that it’s very safe and reliable and the Neuralink device can be removed safely.” This assures that people can opt-out of the technology safely on their own accord.
“We hope to have this in our first humans — which will be people that have severe spinal cord injuries like tetraplegics, quadriplegics — next year, pending FDA approval,” he added. Also, stating that his company’s standards are already higher than the FDA requirements.

Musk also believes that there is a chance of someone, not able to walk or use their arms ‘be able to walk again –but not naturally.’ This could change lives of millions of people suffering from disabilities.
But one has to note that Musk has a history of over-promising and under-delivering in terms of project timelines. Elon Musk said earlier in February that Neuralink could start implanting by the end of 2021. Back in 2019, he claimed that the company hoped to begin human tests by end of 2020.
Neuralink is basically a computer chip that will be attached to tiny threads stitched into the brain by a ‘sewing-machine-like’ robot. It could allow people with quadriplegia or tetraplegia, people suffering from full or partial paralysis of arms and legs, to control digital devices using their minds.
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