British YouTuber Deji’s girlfriend Dounja posted a video on YouTube on 23rd June defending him for his boxing performance in the recent YouTube vs TikTok boxing event.
Dounja in the video titled “exposing team Deji” which shared her point of view on why the YouTuber lost against Vinnie Hacker.
She blamed Deji’s team for allegedly “going on vacation” instead of training, and pushing him to not work hard enough for the boxing match.

In the video she started by revealing that she along with Deji and team had to travel to Cancun to quarantine, then begin their training. However the trip quickly turned from training camp to “vacation”.
“I’m not just there as Deji’s girlfriend, you know, I’m there for support but I’m also there to keep an eye on things. Although I’m not here to bash their boxing skills, I’m gonna bash their actions. The two weeks spent in Cancun felt more like a vacation than actual training.”
“I don’t think there was one day where Deji’s team wasn’t drunk on tequila. Tequila for lunch, tequila for dinner, tequila for f***ing dessert. You do that for vacation on your private time, but not during this quarantine ‘trip’, alright? A boxing trip.”
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