Popular internet star Addison Rae made her Met Gala debut on Monday night in a vintage red Gucci gown. While her fans were happy for her to be invited to such a humongous event, other internet users noticed some similarities with her dress.
The postponed Met Ball was held on September 13th at the Metropolitan Museum of Art after being delayed by the worldwide pandemic. It’s the first Met Gala since 2019, since COVID-19 forced last year’s event to be cancelled.
This year’s theme for the biggest fashion night was American Fashion. In her first Met Gala experience, Rae arrived on the carpet wearing a 2003 Tom Ford for Gucci red dress.
Fans pointed out that her dress resembles the Kourtney Kardashian’s which she wore for Christmas in 2019. Though there are key differences between the two corseted dresses, some fans on Twitter were quick to speculate that the dresses were exactly the same.
Many people even went further to claim that the TikTok star may have borrowed the dress from Kardashian.
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