The 2021 Met Gala which is scheduled for coming September will be focusing on American fashion. Despite being one of the massive fashion fiesta for the fans, the event faced backlash.
The Met Gala is one of the biggest celebrity events of the year. The event works as an annual fundraiser with A-List stars dressed up with their best around a pre-decided central theme.
After the Met Gala being cancelled in 2020 due to global pandemic, people were extremely excited to attend the 2021 event. To make it further special, the event decided to include some online talent.
Usually the guest list for the event is not revealed, however this time there seem to be some leaks regarding TikTok star Addison Rae being invited to the Met Gala. This seemed to be a great addition of including the social media influencers to the event.
However, the internet did not like it at all. The show as well as Addison Rae faced backlash over the MET Gala Invite. Here are some of the tweets over the Met Gala Invite.
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