James Michael Tyler, known widely for his role as Gunther on popular series “Friends,” has passed away at 59. He played the coffee shop manager on the hit Sitcom from 1990’s.
Tyler died on Sunday at his home in Los Angeles after fighting with prostate cancer that he was first diagnosed with in 2018, according to a representative.
“The world knew him as Gunther (the seventh ‘Friend’), from the hit series Friends, but Michael’s loved ones knew him as an actor, musician, cancer-awareness advocate, and loving husband,” his manager Toni Benson said in a statement to US media.
“Michael loved live music, cheering on his Clemson Tigers, and would often find himself in fun and unplanned adventures,” Benson added.
“Friends” helped Tyler to launch his career alongside its star-studded cast, which included Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer.
He was initially cast as the coffee shop manager and didn’t have a line of dialogue on the show until his 33rd appearances in the show. In the show he was depicted of having a crush on Aniston’s character Rachel, who also worked there for a brief period in the show’s early seasons.
Even though Tyler was not a main character, he was widely considered to be “the seventh friend” by the viewers and made appearance in 150 episodes. For the first season, his character was known as “Coffee Guy.”
The whole cast of Friends expressed their gratitude for his death.
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